Sunday, March 26, 2006


Star Gazing

Our London friend, Amanda, is visiting New York for a few days. We hooked up with her on Saturday for some ice skating at Wolmann Rink, fantastic hot chocolate at one of ABC Carpets' cafes and dinner at Tribeca's Odeon restaurant, a favorite of ours.

During dinner, actor Harvey Keitel walked in and took a table nearby, facing me. A few minutes later, I was told that a party including singer Debbie Harry of '80s rock group Blondie fame had taken up a table behind me.

Seeing Harvey was a surprise but not a huge one. He lives in the neighborhood.

This is one of the things I've always loved about New York -- seeing stars.

As always, we followed proper etiquette: you recognize the star in question and you quietly confirm their identities with whomever you're with. But you do NOT go up to them and tell them how much you loved their last book/movie/whatever or ask for their autograph. You let them be (To be honest, I think Debbie Harry caught me checking her out to confirm that she was she. Sorry, Debbie).

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