Tuesday, June 27, 2006


'lease 'tand 'y

The other day, I was in a car whose public address system (British English: tannoy) was defective. So, instead of entire town names, you heard the last part of the name.

"Brick Church" became just "church" (Which sounded like the train was delivering you straight to Mass)

"Secaucus" became "caucus" (Congress meeting?) and later "cus" (Hey! Who's a cus?)

"New York's Penn Station" became "Ation"


Hey John :) I have migrated to reading this blog after thoroughly enjoying B'lore Torpedo. Planning to get reading on your London blog too.

Here in South Africa we don't have any form of public address system once you are in the train. You're just supposed to know where you're going.

In the stations there are announcements but they are usually so muffled that you only hear "train number fnfnfnfnf, the fnfnf-fnfn train from fnfnf to fnfnf has been delayed by approximately fnfnfnfnfn minutes" and that's on a "clear" day!

There is a helpline to call (not toll-free) to get train status ie how late they are etc, but oftentimes the first the helpline people hear about a train being late is when someone phones in!
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